Challis Popkey

Challis Popkey


Favorite outdoor toy or equipment: snowboard 

“Go to” outdoor activity: running 

Favorite place at, in, or near the ocean: Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara 

Favorite place away from the ocean: Ketchum, Idaho

Most beautiful or inspirational outdoor place you have been: Imogene Lake in the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho. Really, the whole Sawtooth Range is stunning.

Dream travel destination: Patagonia, Argentina

Flip-flops or running shoes: running shoes

Sunset or sunrise: sunrise!

Cook or take-out: cook

What will you make or order?: Baked salmon and roasted sweet potatoes

Swim, bike or run: run!

Who inspires you: my grandmother. She moved her 5 children from Malibu to Ketchum, Idaho after divorcing my grandpa. She started a new life there and taught her children to embrace the outdoors (ride horses bareback, raft rivers, climb mountains). I have her to thank for my love of wilderness, adventure, and fierce independence

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